Poudre Fire Authority Annual Report 2024

A note from Your Fire Chief

As I reflect on 2024, I am, as always, most proud of the incredible work being done by those around me. Poudre Fire Authority (PFA) remains committed to our core value of placing 'Service Above Self' in everything we do. This principle is a testament to our dedication to serving others, making a meaningful impact, and contributing to a greater purpose. Whether it’s the ongoing development of our rank structure or the launch of the Community Health Program, we are actively preparing for the future to ensure we are equipped to meet the evolving needs of the people we serve.

One key aspect of this preparation is our focus on training. The Training Center has long been an essential part of PFA, and in 2024, it became our newest division. At PFA, leadership is not defined by a single individual – it is a team effort and a core skill throughout the organization. The "Message from Leadership" in our annual report showcases the many leaders who contribute to PFA’s success. We’re excited to use this opportunity to educate the community on the important work the Training Division does and to introduce the person selected as its first division chief.

Derek Bergsten | Fire Chief


A Message from Leadership & PFA’s Newest Division

In 2024, Training became an official division of Poudre Fire Authority (PFA). I was fortunate to be selected as Division Chief and help launch this next chapter.

My journey with PFA started in 2001 as a Colorado State University intern and volunteer firefighter. Both positions allowed me to learn about the organization, and I soon realized there was no place I would rather be. I was lucky enough to become a full-time PFA family member in 2005.

I would not be where I am today without support from family, friends, colleagues, and mentors, all of whom helped prepare me for this role. Just as I have had significant support along my journey, I look forward to fostering the abilities of PFA personnel and our partners.

Throughout the years, PFA training staff and instructors have created a culture of learning and continuous improvement dedicated to investing in people. As the Training Division, we are responsible for continuing that culture and carrying it forward for current and future members. It’s rewarding to be a part of someone’s journey as they progress through the years and become part of the next generation of leaders.

Ultimately, the goal of the Training Division is to ensure that you, our community, has well-trained first responders that you can rely on 24/7/365.

Tyson Barela | Training Division Chief


Training Division Responsibilities

The division supports all levels of PFA from fire academy recruits to experienced personnel. In addition, Training oversees volunteer and seasonal firefighters and several programs and committees including fire suppression, hiring, promotions, recruitment, policies and procedures.

The division’s mission is “Forging excellence in emergency services through training, education, certification, and credentialing.” This mission is fulfilled by supporting:

Employee Training

Professional Development


New Program Development

Certification and Credentialing

Basic Skills Needed by Personnel









High school students experienced a weekend in the fire service and learned CPR during Fire Camp at the Training Center.


Elected officials and community leaders participated in Fire Ops 101, hosted in partnership with the Local 1945, to learn about the many skills and resources needed in the fire service.





Who We Are

PFA is a partnership of the City of Fort Collins and Poudre Valley Fire Protection District, proudly serving Fort Collins, Timnath, Laporte, Bellvue, Horsetooth, Redstone Canyon, and areas of unincorporated Larimer and Weld counties. Composed of highly trained personnel, PFA is committed to providing exceptional emergency services to save lives and protect property in our jurisdiction.

PFA is accredited through the Center for Public Safety Excellence and is committed to public safety through fire suppression and mitigation, hazardous material control, and emergency medical services. Moreover, PFA is an agency that embodies the idea of service above self through public education, appropriate response, and fostering the idea of community.

Organizational Structure











PFA Provides The Following Services To Our Community:

fire extinguisher icon

Fire Protection Services

defibrillator with paddles icon

Emergency Medical Response

coiled up fire hose icon

Fire Suppression

toxic icon

Hazmat Response

medical stretcher icon

Technical Rescues

trees with fire behind them icon

Wildland Fire Response

firefighter gloves icon

Volunteer Firefighter Program

firefighter badge icon

Fire Investigations

eye with a magnifying glass icon

Inspection Services

clipboard with checklist icon

Public Affairs and Education